Source Codes

Latest source codes on repositories.

Link Description
GitHub Public libraries, sandboxes, snippets, and useful scripts.


Highlighted repositories showcasing key projects.

Link Description
scripts A collection of utility scripts designed to efficiently handle common tasks.
dot_zsh A customizable framework for zsh, extendable through plugins.
dot_emacs A flexible Emacs configuration framework that supports plugin-based extensions.
deferred-sync Version-controlled, plugin-extensible synchronization software for remote environments.
finance Python scripts utilizing pandas for financial data analysis.
automaticruby A general-purpose automation framework in Ruby, extendable through plugins.


RubyGems packages I made.

Link Description
automatic Ruby General Automation Framework.
naivebayes Naive Bayes classifier.
kmeans K-means clustering.
recommendation Collaborative filtering for recommender system.
stdout Change stdout to array object.
sysadmin The general-purpose library for system administrations.
termtter Terminal based twitter client (Contributer).